Sunday, May 4, 2008

Creatures among us

We have seen beautiful red cardinals in the back yard. There are bluejays as well, but have not captured a shot yet. I was sneaking up to take a photo of a cardinal when I came across something else....a woodchuck, which Aaron says is the same as a groundhog. Rabbits have also crossed over our yard. Enjoy the video of Smokin' Jax!


The Bori Family said...

Hey Niki, cute video! It was nice hearing your voice =) I can't wait til you come to UT for the Summer!!!!

the Gardners said...

Great pictures! Have you ever seen Medium? Your voice on the video makes me think you could be the 2nd daughter as an adult. Same voice personality! The Asbury woods look gorgeous, too!


Hey it's fun to see you guys. I hope all is going well. Hopefully we can get together again this summer! Liz & Brent